No win, no fee professional proposal writing

100% risk-free. We don't win it, you don't pay.

What We Do

We write winning Horizon Europe project proposals.

Who We Are

We are a continuously growing consortium of EU funding veterans, including both researchers and industry professionals. Together, we have written over a hundred winning FP7 and Horizon 2020 proposals and participated in just as many projects. We cover virtually all domains and topics at a success rate of over 30%.

How It Works

It's simple, really


Get in touch

Tell us about your business, your consortium, the topic and the project you have in mind. Make sure you get in touch with us at least 3 months before the call deadline. 


Get ready

We will assemble a winning team, bringing together experts in the desired domain and do all the time-consuming research and planning. We can also help you bring partners on board.


Let's write

From here on, we do the heavy lifting for you. We write, help write, and coordinate the writing. We try to keep your involvement to a minimum.



That’s all. You can go back to business as usual and wait for the good news.

Preserve Your Reputation

We offer discretion by default.

Financing Models

Pay however you like

No Win, No Pay. Our default, risk-free, and most popular financing model.
8-12% of requested funding in case of win*
*Depending on the average success rate in the targeted domain
Pay Less. Share the risk with us and we will happily lower the win fee.
Fixed fee upfront regardless of outcome + 4-6% of requested funding in case of win*
*Depending on the average success rate in the targeted domain
Pay in Advance. Still prefer the old-fashioned upfront invoice? We can do that too.
Fixed fee upfront regardless of outcome*
*Depending on the average success rate in the targeted domain

Let's Talk

We are just one click away.

Remember to get in touch at least 3 months before the submission deadline. We will get back to you within 24h.